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Please add me to Michael's mailing list for inspirational Monday Messages

Choose a pricing option

  • Preferred option
    One-time payment ($500.00)$500.00
  • Preferred option
    Split pay (2 payments of $258.50----30 days apart) - includes small finance charge2x $258.50

By purchasing, you are acknowledging your commitment to this program and to your personal growth.  You also acknowledge that as a result, there are no refunds.  You will receive info automatically via email after purchase.  

DISCLAIMER: By joining this program, you give permission and license to Michael to use, with utmost discretion, video recordings for future purposes.  Michael would only potentially use video recordings to repackage selected portions of class lessons into a future self-paced program that would be available for purchase. This is only an idea at this point, and please be assured that videos will stay inside our community - NOTHING personal would EVER be shared on social media. .Thank you for your agreement!  


EMPATH SANCTUARY MEMBERSHIP is normally $397 per year -  Join with this one time incentive for $133
Our Sanctuary community is for those who are most committed to personal-spiritual growth.  This is an offer to further incentivize your growth and receive ONE YEAR of support, community, and personal mentoring from Michael.  We do at least one LIVE online event each month (optional) that includes themed playshops, live meditations, and personal coaching in a group forum.  Events are always on Mondays & Tuesdays at 8 pm Eastern and last 90 minutes.  By purchasing, you are committing to attending as many live events as possible and you acknowledge that there are no refunds. You will receive info on how to join our community immediately following your purchase. Thank you.

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Completing payment with PayPal



By purchasing, you acknowledge you are taking a limited space and that there are no refunds. You will receive info via email after your purchase. 

DISCLAIMER: By joining this program, you give permission and license to Michael to use, with utmost discretion, video recordings for future purposes. Michael would only potentially use video recordings to repackage selected portions of class lessons into a future self-paced program that would be available for purchase. This is only an idea at this point, and please be assured that NOTHING personal would EVER be shared on social media. .Thank you for your agreement!  

  • Total payment

All prices in USD